Monthly Archives: November 2020

Lessons from #Ginimbi’s death

For the last couple of days, the internet was awash with news of the death of #Ginimbi. So much was said about him, about the source of his wealth, about how “not so genuine” his wealth was, about how many top of the range motor vehicles he owned, how much of a party freak he was, and so on and so forth. I was able to pick up two key lessons from his death.

Firstly, life is what you make it. For you to become whatever it is that you want to be, it surely begins with you. It begins by YOU having faith in yourself. That you are able to achieve every single goal that you would have set for yourself. Simple as it was, reports say #Ginimbi wanted to be rich. He achieved that. How? He was aggressive.

Paul says, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” This means that, in all of your ways, acknowledge God first. Trust God. Invite God in your plans and everything else shall be added unto you. God never fails. For example, I want to be known as the face of digital and social media in Africa. So what do I do about that? I tell God about this goal and believe that I have achieved it. To envision myself has the face of digital and social media in Africa. To have faith – already seeing myself there. I ask Him to intervene and shepherd me throughout this journey because He is my shepherd I shall not want. Knowing fully well that God has my back, I begin to work extremely hard towards achieving that because, remember, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. So it means to be aggressive about working towards having a name for yourself.

Secondly, don’t worry about what people will say. People will never stop talking. There are times when I want to do something and I fail to continue because someone decided to discourage me along the way. Someone simply talked me out of it. Don’t ever listen to someone who will tell you “you will fail” before you even start. Look at what Peter did when he listened to the tides, he lost focus and fell. Focus on Jesus. Put your trust in what the God says. Remember, “For I know the plans I have for you, Plans to prosper you and not to harm you.”

Doing right by God

Through all of this pain. Through all of this misery. God was teaching me a valuable lesson. He was teaching me to trust Him more. He was teaching me to depend on Him more. He was teaching me to acknowledge Him more. True to His word, “I know the plans I have for you. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you a hope and a future.”

God was panel beating me to become and inspiration and motivation to many young women out there. There are things that I did without spiritual guidance. I did those this out of my will. I chose that root out of selfish reasons. I made those decisions because of greed. I thought i was on op of the situation. I assumed I knew exactly what I was doing.

“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”

I naively walked straight into the wide gate. Consciously and willingly thinking that when I get there I would pull a few strings and have everything “sorted” out. I was a fool. I had no vision. I didn’t have Jesus. Contrary to many people’s belief, wide is that road that leads to doom, pain, misery, lack of direction. Being boxed, was where I spent most of days. Crying and wandering how i had “allowed” myself to do the usual, what everybody else did. Why didn’t I just listen to my conscience when it told me not to follow that route. When I fought against those descions I made.

But today, I have found peace. God has redirected my life, and I am walking on the narrow road. The road the leads to originality. The road that makes a few standout, grow from strength to strength, success to success. This is the day that the Lord has made. Alleluya, I see brighter days. I have forgiven this man who abused me. I have forgiven his relatives that supported the abuse, who only saw me as the problem. Those relatives who always told me that I brought it upon myself. because I had a think skull. I have forgiven the same relatives who handled all disputes from tribal grounds, saying that “After all Ndebeles are stubborn. They never listen.” Never listen, how? Oh I remember. I was expected, after being butchered and beaten to “ask” for forgiveness from the abuser for being “inconsiderate”.

I continue to thank God for these hard lessons. Lessons that many will learn from. Lessons that made me to trust God more as the author and finisher of my faith.


“All you do is not normal.

You are slow and crazy!

Being defensive is what you know best.

You are not normal.

You are nothing but just a person I live with.

You are nothing!

There is nothing you own here.”

Dear God, this is beyond me

I cant posisbly handle this alone.

Help me!

I surrend this, all of this unto your hands,

Take control.

Sitting here as tears run through my eyes

Gravity pulling them down continuously


Is happiness for the few

Is happiness a calling

Why does it seem to fall on others but me

I am not happy

I am saddened by every word uttered from his mouth

Is is merely just words?

Venom spit.

In tears?

How is my happiness affected?


This is hell

This is death.

Walking dead is what is beneath,

Lifeless – like a dried up well.


My belief?

Where is my relief?

“Stupid bitch!?!

Fuck you bitch

You are being stubborn.

I destroy what’s mine

What I buy, I destroy

And there is nothing

Nothing you can do about it.

My kids hate you,

You think they like what you do?


Leave she’ll do it herself”

Let us also remember those that are in verbal and emotional abusive relationships as well. I received this poem from someone I know. She says it is exactly what she was told by her abuser. Straight out of his mouth, without remorse.